Monday, March 2, 2009

Your Call 030309 What do you want to hear from NPR during our media crisis?

What do you want to hear from NPR in the midst of media crisis? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation with NPR's Ombudsman, Alicia Shepard. Last December NPR announced the cancellation of Day to Day and News and Notes. It also laid off 64 people, and eliminated 21 other positions. How are the cutbacks going to impact NPR's programming? You can join the conversation by phone or by sending us an email at What are your questions or concerns? It's Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.

Alicia Shepard, National Public Radio's Ombudsman

Click to Listen: What do you want to hear from NPR during media crisis?

Your Call 030209 What's the future of transportation in the Bay Area?

What's in store for the future of transportation in the Bay Area? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation about the $495 million federal stimulus funding allocated for Bay Area regional transit agencies and road projects. Which projects should we invest the money in? You can join the conversation by phone or by sending us an email at What are your transportation priorities? It's Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.

Randy Rentscher, Metropolitan Transportation Commission's Manager of Legislation and Public Affairs

Scott Denman, president of Genesis

Guillermo Mayer, a lawyer with the Bay Area's Public Advocates.

Click to Listen: What's the future of transportation in the Bay Area?