Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What makes a protest powerful?

On the next Your Call, as the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations gain momentum and organizers prepare for a nationwide day of action on the 10th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan, we'll ask what makes a protest matter. Is it about a focused message or a broad coalition? What's the role of leadership? And how do you know when a protest has worked? Whether you're involved in the current protest movement or following it with interest, join the conversation on the next Your Call with Matt Martin and you.

Janet Weil from Code Pink, an antiwar activist since beginning of Afghanistan War, one of the first protestors of the invasion as well as the embassy bombing shortly after September 11.

Morgan Fitzgibbons is the co-founder of the Wigg Party, a neighborhood group working to make the community that lives around San Francisco's Wiggle bicycle route a leader in the transformation to sustainability and resiilience.

Brent Schulkin, founder of the Carrotmob movement. In a Carrotmob campaign, a business agrees to take a socially-beneficial action and, in exchange, a network of consumers spends money to reward the business.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not involved to proceed by putting the corps against each and wind up w/Nestle as best option - Carrotmop is not my prospective. They can be there but not represent the demonstration.

    I thought we were saying NO but not giving specific solutions. No, we don't have answers. I see this as clearly showing all different people are totally dissatisfied. Civil liberties/right issues are at risk. The message is STOP we don't support this in all these areas: environmental, jobs, income disparity, education etc etc. I thought this was a statement of our total dissatisfaction with paths in ALL these areas. No there for specific solution.
