Thursday, October 6, 2011

How are whistleblowers faring under Obama?

How are government whistleblowers faring in the Obama Adminsitration? On the next Your Call, we'll talk about what it's like to be a whistleblower today. As a presidential candidate, Barack Obama said, "Government whistleblowers are part of a healthy democracy and must be protected from reprisal," but his administration is establishing a record as an aggressive prosecutor of government leakers. So who's blowing the whistle now? And what kind of protections should they have? Join us live at 10 or send us an email at It's Your Call with Shirin Sadeghi, and you.

Daniel Ellsberg, former US military analyst who leaked The Pentagon Papers; subject of The Most Dangerous Man in America

Jesselyn Radack, national security and human rights director at the Government Accountability Project

Thomas Drake, whistleblower; formerly employed by the National Security Agency; currently facing criminal prosecution

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