Monday, May 19, 2008

Your Call 052008 Redevelopment Props F and G

What's the best way forward for economic development in Hunters Point? On the next Your Call, hear a debate on San Francisco Propositions F & G, which put forward competing visions for the San Francisco neighborhood. Then tune in at 9 p.m. for a special Trans-Pacific edition of the program, as we look at the situation in Burma. How have the disastrous cyclone and the slow response of the military government changed the prospects for democracy in Burma? It's Your Call - Propositions F & G at our usual time of 11 a.m., then a special nighttime program focusing on Burma at 9 p.m. It's Your Call, with me Rose Aguilar, and you.

Johnnie Carter, spokesperson for Lennar Corp.

Julian Davis, director of SF Tomorrow and housing activists

Click to Listen: Redevelopment Props F and G

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