Sunday, May 18, 2008

Your Call 051908 Eminent Domain Debate- Prop 98 vs. 99

Where do you stand on Propositions 98 and 99? On the next Your Call, we'll have conversation about the two competing eminent domain initiatives on the upcoming June ballot. Prop 98 supporters say it will defend homes against a takeover through eminent domain. Opponents say it goes much further. They say it would threaten environmental regulations and prohibit any new rent control laws. Who's funding Props 98 and 99? And how would you be impacted? It's Your Call with me, Rose Aguilar, and you.

Ted Gullikson, San Francisco Tenants Union Director

Marko Mlikotin, spokesperson for Yes on 98

Click to Listen: Eminent Domain Debate- Prop 98 vs. 99

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