Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What's the power of children's art depicting trauma?

What's the power of children's art depicting trauma? And how does it affect those who see it? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation about the art exhibit "A Child's View from Gaza," which was cancelled two weeks before it was set to open at the Museum of Children's Art in Oakland. The Museum said the images were too graphic, but local Jewish groups boasted to media outlets that they forced the museum board to make the decision. Does the museum have a responsibility to show an exhibit like this? And what's the power of art? Join us live at 10 or send us an email at It's Your Call with me, Rose Aguilar, and you.

Ziad Abbas, associate director of the Middle East Children's Alliance

Susan Greene, social art practitioner, educator and clinical psychologist


  1. Please announce where you have hidden the images of the art. I would like to see them and I can't find them.

  2. I would really like to see the art, but don't see a link on your website.

  3. You can see the censored children's artwork at this facebook site:

  4. The comments from "Dan in Berkeley" are emblematic of sick, racist mentality which we must overcome. His seething irrational hatred for Palestinians - even for Palestinian children - was palpable. Unfortunately, his disturbed and distorted world view is shared by far too many people.

  5. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that MOCHA approved an exhibit of Iraqi children's art with all its anguish and despair, but censored the same anguished, despairing drawings of Palestinian children of Gaza. The three-week assault on the civilian population of Gaza which killed 1,400 people, destroyed and damaged 50,000 homes, over 250 wells, almost every school including two UN schools and the American International School, the electricity grid, all the poultry farms, and most places of employment was carried out by the Israeli government. Judge Goldstone correctly described this attack as collective punishment meant to humiliate an entire population. Jewish Voice for Peace and other organizations, Jewish and nonJewish, want an end to the silence of Israeli human rights abuses of Palestinian children and their families. We believe that the American people should see the result of Israeli actions on the most vulnerable members of any society, the children.
