Thursday, September 15, 2011

How are genetically engineered crops affecting food?

How are genetically engineered crops affecting agriculture and the food supply? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation about genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and how they are changing the landscape of food and farming. An estimated 70 percent of processed foods contain genetically engineered ingredients. And more than 270,000 organic farmers filed a lawsuit against Monsanto this year for the right to keep a portion of the world food supply organic. So what do we need to know about how GMOs are affecting farmers and consumers? Join us at 10 or email It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Eric Holt-Gimenez, executive director of Food First and author of Food Rebellions! Crisis and the Hunger for Justice

 Ignacio Chapela, associate professor of microbial ecology at UC Berkeley

 Mike Ludwig, Truthout reporter who covers the biotech industry

 Jim Gerritsen, organic seed farmer in northern Maine and one of the plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Monsanto

 Click to Listen: How are genetically engineered crops affecting food?

1 comment:

  1. Kim, of Santa Cruz, asked a great question. She asked, if GMOs are in so many foods at the grocery store, how can it be legitimately said that GMOs don't feed anyone? Obviously, they do feed people.

    I'm no fan of Monsanto, but I think it's important to speak precisely and accurately. GMOs may not increase available food for the poor, or even the poor in Africa (however we need want to qualify it), but that's not an excuse to say that GMOs don't feed anyone.
