Monday, August 1, 2011

What's next for the world's newest nation?

On the next Your Call, we'll talk about the Republic of South Sudan, which gained independence from Sudan earlier this month after 50 years of war, and millions of lives lost. But many are saying the tensions between north and south are far from over, especially with an oil-rich region on the border. How will Sudan and South Sudan relate with one another now? Join us at 10 or email Since Sudan was a country created by colonization, is this split only natural? It's Your Call with Hana Baba and you.

Dr. Abdelmagid Ali Bob, Sudanese history scholar and author of The Dynamics of Separation and Unity in South Sudan

Theresa Samuel, board member of Mercy Beyond Borders, a nonprofit organization based in Santa Clara, California that works with displaced women and girls in South Sudan

Hashim Salih, a member of the Sudanese Association of Northern California

Click to Listen: What's next for the world's newest nation?

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