Thursday, July 14, 2011

Should video games be treated as a form of expression?

Should video games be treated as a form of expression like books and music? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation about video games and free speech. The Supreme Court recently struck down a California law that banned the sale of violent video games. Video game advocates celebrated the ruling saying there's more to games than violence. They say they're a form of expression and the law now says they are art. Do you agree? Join us at 10 or email Do you play video games? What do you get out of them? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar.

Evan Narcisse, freelance writer who covers comic books, pop culture, and video games

Alan Simpson, vice president of policy for Common Sense Media

Peter Brinson, videogame developer, filmmaker and instructor at the Interactive Media Division of USC School of Cinematic Arts

Click to Listen: Should video games be treated as a form of expression?


  1. I was a costume designer in 2002and worked on walk around characters for a video game convention. In the "green room" back stage there was a solgier in full camophlage gear and make-up. He was 22 and had just returned from Iraq. He was working as a recruiter in conjunction with "AMERICA'S ARMY" a video game to recruit kids to enlist for Iraq. The Pentagon , US armed forces, etc. OWNS these video games. A 4-5 star general and a full entourage of CIA looking types were at the convention promoting this game. It really opened my eyes and freaked me out.
    My 17 year old grandson has been playing these games since he was about 12. He doesn't talk. Can't really carry on a conversation very well and hates being around anyone but on the phone or online "gaming".
    Both parents worked, Dad away, the games were the babysitter.
    Breaks my heart.They are sociopathic at best and possibly an invasion by demons at worst.

  2. Anonymous…I'm sorry to hear about your families troubles. Because what you speak of is no laughing matter. But you can't blame video games for plain old BAD PARENTING. Your daughter or son and his/her spouse need to step up and take charge of the situation if it's really gotten that bad. Get some contusing, taking the game unit away, join in outside activities together as a family. You know, be a parent.

    There was many time in my childhood, when my mother would walk upstairs and shut the game off right in front of my brother and me. One time she even took the unit from us for 3 days. That was a best lesson we could have had -- when she said come down stairs for dinner, we did. That situation never happened again. There is a time to turn the games off. Moderation in all things.

    As for the game "America's Army" -- yes, the U.S. Army did, in fact to do that. That's was definitely an embarrassing moment in gaming's history for about 2 - 3 years. Then everyone got wise to what was going on. I think we can ALL agree (and we did) that trying to recruit teenaged boys at Comic-Con my not be the best way to defend OUR country. If this is the best the U.S. Army can do -- then we really are in trouble.
