Thursday, June 2, 2011

What is the best way to reintegrate prisoners into society?

On the next Your Call, we'll talk about what it takes to help people transition from the inside to the outside. A recent Supreme Court ruling ordered California to reduce its prison population. This may mean more inmates are released on parole in the near future. But just last year California's recidivism rate was almost 70 percent. What explains that high number? Join us at 10 or send an email to What does it take to reintegrate people behind bars back into our communities? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Linda Evans, organizer with All of Us Or None coalition and Legal Services for Prisoners with Children

Susan Burton, founder and executive director of A New Way of Life Re-Entry Project

Ramiro Mejia, resident employee at San Francisco's Delancey Street Foundation

Click to Listen: What is the best way to reintegrate prisoners into society?

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