Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Do slaughterhouse videos influence you?

Do slaughterhouse videos change your opinion of how animals should be treated? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation about undercover investigations into how animals are slaughtered for food. Have you been influenced by amateur videos and how? Join us live at 10 or send us an email at feedback@yourcallradio.org. There have been efforts in many states to make these videos illegal. What do these videos reveal about how we treat animals? And should they be legislated? It's Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.

Tom Laskawy, a contributing writer on food and agriculture for Grist Magazine

Nathan Runkle, the founder and executive director of Mercy For Animals

Click to Listen: Do slaughterhouse videos influence you?


  1. As usual, the show is too short - we are left with an introduction to the arguments.

    I was extremely disappointed about the animal welfare approach going virtually unchallenged.

    There was an underlying assumption that people are going to eat animals anyway, so they might as well buy the best treated, most humanely slaughtered available. This is analogous to "compassionate" pedophilia. http://www.abolitionistapproach.com/humane-and-compassionate-pedophilia/

    The only way to stop the kinds of things portrayed in the video, is for individuals to go vegan, it really is a simple yes or no choice. The only reason people eat animals, is because they enjoy the taste, not because humans need animal products to survive. The promotion of these humane labels and certifications only ultimately serve the animal industries.

    I hope there is an opportunity for abolitionists and welfarists to debate their positions on the show someday. Rose can even bring her wonderful sensitivity of other related issues to the discussion, such as immigrant workers and the environment. That would be amazing!

  2. Why don't you dedicate your lives or maybe a little of your extra time to influence Amerians about Human Rights issues. I think the farmers who grow more than 90% of the cocoa we consume deserve a little more credit. There they are living in a shack,having no chance at education, working 14+ hour days, and literally receiving pennies on the dollar because some foreign pig wont get off his ass and lend him a hand. That hand could be yours if you would wake up and realize millions of humans are living worse than most domesticated animals in the US.

    Now I don't think your intentions are wrong, just a little misguided. Misguided to the point that I'm astounded. Putting a pig before all the people who have committed suicide while producing your ipad seems a little off to me. The tree that falls in the middle of the forest doesnt make a sound..
