Monday, February 7, 2011

Who are history's unknown heroes and heroines?

On the next Your Call, we'll read between the lines of history and talk about the men and women who changed the world around them, but who are mostly unknown. We'll speak with David Talbot, author of the book series, Pulp History, and Belva Davis, San Francisco's first black female broadcast journalist. Join us live at 10 or send us an email at What unsung historical and contemporary heroes and heroines do you think deserve recognition? It's Your Call, with Holly Kernan, and you.

David Talbot, co-founder of and author of Devil Dog in the series, Pulp History

Belva Davis, San Francisco's first black female broadcast journalist and author of Never in My Wildest Dreams

Karen Korematsu, co-founder of the Korematsu Institute and daughter of Fred Korematsu

Betty Reid Soskin, ranger at the Rosie the Riveter National Historical Park

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