Monday, February 28, 2011

Do we need to re-think our safety net strategies?

As more americans experience poverty, do we need to re-think our safety net strategies? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation about the anti-poverty movement and innovative strategies for building wealth. Our guests say our current policies penalize people who get jobs and make economic gains, keeping families locked in poverty. As the wealth gap continues to widen, have we pathologized poverty? Would a new framing change the way we think? Join us live at 10 or send an email to What does it take to create class mobility? It's Your Call with Holly Kernan, and you.

Maurice Lim Miller, founder of the Family Independence Initiative

Carla Javits, executive director of The Roberts Enterprise Development Fund

Anne Stuhldreher, senior fellow at New America Foundation

Click to Listen: Do we need to re-think our safety net strategies?

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