Thursday, September 2, 2010

Are we on our way to healthy food for kids?

On the next Your Call we'll talk about school food. In a unanimous vote, the Senate approved $4.5 billion to increase the number of free meals and improve the quality of food served in schools nationwide. How significant a victory is this for the campaign to improve school food programs? What's next on that movement's agenda? Join us live at 11 or send us an email at Have you seen menu changes in a school near you? It's Your Call, with Hana Baba and you.

Janet Poppendieck, author of Free For All: Fixing School Food in America

Zenobia Barlow, cofounder and executive director of The Center for Ecoliteracy

Jennifer LeBarre, nutrition services director for Oakland Unified School District

Click to Listen: Are we on our way to healthy food for kids?


  1. the link to listen isn't working! is there another one?

  2. it usually takes a few hours for the show to be posted online after it airs. please stick with us! The podcast will be available here:
