Thursday, July 1, 2010

Is it time to put our streets on a diet?

On the next Your Call: how projects that are re-thinking street design not only make them safer for bikes and pedestrians, but can also have a significant positive impact on the local economy. Can rethinking our streets help make our communities better places to live? Join us live at 11 or send us an email at Is there a street near you that's been narrowed, calmed, or shut down to traffic altogether? What stands in the way of changing our streets? It's Your Call, with Sandip Roy and you.

Dan Burden, founder of Walkable and Livable Communities Institute, Inc.

Brian Ulaszewski, project design director for Studio 111

Kit Hodge, SF Great Streets campaign coordinator for SF Bicycle Coalition

Andrea Aiello, executive director of the Castro Community Benefits District

Kevin Carroll, executive director of the Fisherman's Wharf Community Benefit District

Click to Listen: Is it time to put our streets on a diet?

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