Monday, June 7, 2010

What's the future of public electricity in California?

What's the future of public electricity in California? On the next Your Call, we'll have a debate about Proposition 16 on the June 8th ballot. The PG&E-backed Proposition 16 would significantly raise the bar for cities and counties that want to get into the power business. What's the current state of public power in California? What are the existing democratic checks on the way public power operates? Join us live at 11 or send us an email at What would municipal power offer that private companies don't? It's Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.

Stephanie Chen, legal counsel for the Greenlining Institute
Robin Swanson, principal of Swanson Communications

Click to Listen: What's the future of public electricity in California?


  1. Rose - You did a wonderful job today holding the show together and allowing both sides to speak.

    Thank you!

  2. I completely agree with Kimbo. Your "pro 16" guest was remarkably out of line and perversely convinced me to vote NO on 16.

  3. I guess Swanson thought it was the show's responsibility to 'provide' callers sympathetic to her cause. For that, I guess she should have gone to the Hot Talk station or somewhere conservative on the AM dial. Her on-air tirades, her breakdown and her inability to intelligently respond to any of the inquiries and criticism of the proposed legislation most likely turned more people against Prop. 16 than for it.

  4. I agree with what had been posted thus far. Robin's defensiveness was a big turn off. NO on Prop 16!

  5. Yes kudos on an amazing show despite that pg$e Flacks tirades...i hope u didn't let it bother you...'bush league' eh-seems she's used to fawning 'interviews' and shows bought and paid for by big money like she is... she's not even a regular public radio listener or she'd've known that folks think more critically there and-well-think at all and wouldn't be as likely to be swayed by her phony-or rather very real propaganda...

    i almost felt you if anything sunk a bit too far to her level by continuing to react to her attacks(personal and otherwise)long after she'd already showed she wasn't going to play by the rules and started with the low blows...and were in general too kind to her any event-i wonder if PIG&e are happy with her representation of their cause...seems she's damaged it if anything.(unless someone felt sympathy for her as she was 'outnumbered' however she should know this IS the Bay Area and despite all of the right wing media that SHE probably watches judging from her 'wild and crazy' reaction to perfectly reasonable q's MOST Bay Areans share thse sorts of views... Thx for all of the great shows and topics and are a great person-a HERO i daresay for the good folks of the town et al(!) (just to try to counter some of the slander she was laying on you...sounded like some of it might've had the desired effect...Cheers!

  6. To get to the bottom of any ballot measure or public policy, FOLLOW THE MONEY. And CUI BONO, "Who benefits?" Where the dots connect, you've got BINGO! In this case it is clearly and unabashedly PG&E.

    In the name of calling for more "choice," Ms. Swanson was quite forceful in intimidating us with her point of view. How much was PG&E paying her?

    Meanwhile, the rep against Prop 16 was virtually shut out by Ms Swanson's dominating, deceptive and delirious diatribe.

    My advice for Rose: KEEP A TIMER and then if need be, give her a TIME-OUT. The clock can't lie, intimidate or hide under a smokescreen.

    But I agree: the more Ms Swanson spoke, the more she revealed the bankruptcy of her own agenda.

  7. Hi, I just happened to catch this and was very proud that Ross Mirkarimi is the Sup for our district in San Francisco. I would like to pass the link along to other people so they can listen to it, but the link isn't working. I was pleased to hear both sides of the story. Thanks.

  8. I can't listen to the archived link for this show, it appears to be broken. Can you guys fix that so that I can listen to it? Thanks.

  9. I agree: I feel that in the interest of 'fairness' Rose let that b walk all over her...she was a 'bully' and should've been put in her place a bit more firmly as she wasn't arguing her points w/logic and reason but instead 'playing dirty' as she knew she was losing the argument(or in any case couldn't fight it fairly)

  10. Rose, you did a truly remarkable job on this show. In the face of Swanson's insults and accusations you miraculously maintained a civil tone and bent over backwards to be fair, while at the same time giving your other guest ample opportunity to respond, which she did brilliantly while also refusing to be dragged down to Swanson's level.

    Congratulations to the No on 16 campaign, outspent 500 to one by PG&E. The defeat of Prop 16 is a great victory for the people.
