Friday, June 25, 2010

Media Roundtable

On the next Your Call, it's our Friday Media Roundtable. This week, we'll continue discussing coverage of the expanding oil disaster. Who is writing about vulnerable communities? We'll also discuss coverage of financial reform legislation and the G20 summit in Canada, which is costing Canadian taxpayers more than one billion dollars. We'll be joined by the Washington Independent's Anne Lowery, ColorLines' Brentin Mock and Toronto Star's Olivia Ward. Join us live at 11 or send us an email at Where did you see the best reporting this week? It's Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.

Olivia Ward, a foreign affairs writer for the Toronto Star

Brentin Mock, a New Orleans-based reporter who contributes regularly to and ColorLines

Annie Lowery, an economic reporter with the Washington Independent

Click to Listen: Media Roundtable

1 comment:

  1. I listened to the program and was glad to hear that finally somebody pays more attention to the people who suffer from the oil spill than to the poor birds.
    I wish the discussion would also tackle the huge problem of the economic impact of the moratorium. I listened to Sen. Landrieu and she explained that 300,000 people depend on drilling. I hope we don't spill the baby with the wash water.

    And last, but not least: there is a lot of rightful anger targeted to BP. I am missing the same kind of indignation targeting the people who were supposed to protect us. "Quid custodes ipsos custodes?" Who is going to guard the guardians?
