Friday, May 21, 2010

Media Roundtable

On the next Your Call, it's our Friday Media Roundtable. This week, we continue with our coverage of the expanding oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, US plans to pursue UN sanctions against Iran, and Midterm Election Primaries. We'll be joined by Huffington Post's Marcus Baram, freelance journalist Reese Erlich and The American Independent News Network's editor John Amick.

Join us live at 11 or send us an email at Where did you see the best reporting this week? It's Your Call, with Sandip Roy and you.

Marcus Baram, a news editor at the Huffington Post
Reese Erlich, an investigative reporter, and broadcast journalist
John Amick, an editor with The American Independent News Network

Click to Listen: Media Roundtable

1 comment:

  1. It is disappointing to hear even Maddow & others seize on Rand Paul's Libertarian position as 'racist.' Much more intellectually astute & useful would be to have him clarify the domains less appealing to the Tea Party that his Libertarian principles would also address. Where is the privileging of private property rights and individual autonomy, unfettered by government intrusion when deciding on a woman's choice, medical marijuana and same-sex unions (repealing DOMA)?? Moreover- what is the Libertarian POV on the separation of Church & State ?
    Public Schools ?
    Social Security ?
    Paul needs to be hoisted by his own petard !
