Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Where are You Donating this Year?

Where are you donating this year? And how do you make sure your dollars have an impact? There are lots of new tools for tracking your charitable giving--what's most important to know before you give? If you work at a nonprofit, do you think the measures being used to judge the way you spend your money help you to be more sustainable over the long-term?

Join the conversation at 11 a.m. or send your questions and comments to Where are you donating this year? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar, and you.

Sandra Miniutti, vice president of Charity Navigator, America's largest charity evaluator

Carla Dartis, senior vice president of the Tides Center, a San Francisco-based organization which partners with philanthropists, foundations, activists, and organizations to amplify the efforts of donors

Click to Listen: Where are You Donating this Year?


  1. Dr's without boards is one of my favorite due to it's using the bulk of it's donated $$$ for the cause and demonstrating easy accessible book keeping.

    public radio and Tv is another of my favorite.

    Eva Tanner

  2. I am a big fan of the concept of providing a real-life model for the vision of how you would like the world to be--with the idea that it is more effective to, for instance, joyfully start a free range chicken farm than to bring down Big Chicken.

    For that reason (and okay because I work at one), I suggest giving to your local community mediation center. They provide a place for neighbors, business people, families, couples and companies and consumers to work out conflicts peacefully rather than relying on courts, escalation, or hoping the problem will go away. The more local people engage in mediation, the more collaboration can look like a real solution at the national/international level. You can find a conflict resolution center near you at

    You can help them by using their low-fee services--and helping yourself at the same time--or by donating to them.

    Also, I'd like to back Eva up on supporting public broadcasting. Public media keeps us informed so we know what aspects of the community could use our engagement. They are the catalysts for active citizenship.

    I listen to Your Call on KUSP and donate at

    KALW accepts donations at
