Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Your Call 093009 What are we going to do with Afghanistan?

On the next Your Call we will be looking at alternatives to the plan in General McChrystal's report to President Obama. McChrystal says that without a significant increase in U.S. troops, failure is likely for the international mission in Afghanistan. What is America's national interest in Afghanistan? What would success look like and are we willing to provide the resources we need to bring that success to fruition? It's Your Call with Sandip Roy and you.

Click to Listen: What are we going to do with Afghanistan?


  1. Very good topic and informative guests. I was glad to hear Mr. Tameem Ansari a acedemic and Afghan author and Mr. Abobakr Mojaddidi a respected Afghan leader with an ifluential network in Afghanistan taking part. It was an important and insightful look.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. thankyou for a great program

  4. great program and good guests.
