Thursday, September 24, 2009

Your Call 092409 Can the 30% tuition increases at UC be stopped?

Can the 30% tuition increases at UC be stopped? On the next Your Call we speak with the organizers of the faculty and staff walk-outs on the 10 University of California campuses. The legislature cut $813 million from UC budgets this year alone, and last Wednesday the regents approved layoffs, program cuts and tuition hikes. Is UC President Mark Yudof right that the highway to higher education is closed in California?

Send us an email at or join us live at 11 a.m. What is at stake with these cuts, and what can be done to stop them? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Shannon Steen in UC Berkeley
Associate Professor of Theater, Dance & Performance Studies at UC Berkeley. Professor Steen is a specialist in critical race and performance theory, and writes on the intersection of Asian and African American racial determinations. She is also one of the organizers of today's walk out and a member of the coordinating committee of Save UC, 170 professors working to preserve access to education, excellence in teaching and transparency of administrative decisions.

Click to Listen: Can the 30% tuition increases at UC be stopped?

1 comment:

  1. I am very greatful for people like Professor Sheen and all the students and faculty participating in today's walkout. The budget cuts and astronomical increase in tuition at UCs over the past few years is shameful and undermines the goal of public education, making it an increasingly elitist, upper class privilege. I love the university environment and I want to be a proud member but now I feel ashamed.
