Monday, June 22, 2009

Your Call 062209 Are smaller banks an option?

On the next Your Call we discuss an agenda for a new economy: As the big banks implode, can community banks provide a real alternative? How have smaller banks and credit unions managed to survive the wave of consolidation in the banking industry? Have they managed to escape the current banking crisis? If you're thinking about moving your account to a smaller financial institution, what questions should you ask?

We'll be joined by Josh Silver of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Lynn Athens, CEO of Spectrum Federal Credit Union and Steve Andrews, president of the Bank of Alameda and former chairman of California Independent Banks.

Send us an email at or join us live at 11 am. What can community banks and credit unions offer during this financial crisis? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Join the conversation at 866-798-TALK, that's 866-798-8255. Or send us an email at

Lynn Athens in Studio
CEO of Spectrum Federal Credit Union.

Steve Andrews in Alameda
President of the Bank of Alameda, former president of California Independent Bankers, board member of Independent Community Bankers of America.

Josh Silver in Washington DC
Vice President of Research and Policy at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition.

Click to Listen: Are smaller banks an option?

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