Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Your Call 052709 Have we given up on peace?

Have we given up on peace? On the next Your Call we’ll speak with Professor Seble Dawit, Director of Goucher College’s Peace Studies Program, one of more than 200 across the country. Why has the public goal of security replaced peace so frequently in public discourse?  What transforms violent conflicts?  If a person living in conflict asks for security, is that the right goal to help them achieve? Send us an email at or join us live at 11 am.  How do we transition from the absence of violence to true peace, personally and in communities who have suffered? It’s Your Call with Sandip Roy and you.

Seble Dawit in Baltimore
Director and assistant professor in the Peace Studies Program at Goucher College in Baltimore. Dawit co-founded the African Women's Leadership Institute, and directed Alliances, an African women's advocacy organization that supports policy-oriented gender programs throughout Africa.
Charles F. (Chic) Dambach in Washington
President and CEO of the Alliance for Peacebuilding, a network of private and public organizations dedicated to building sustainable peace and security worldwide. He is the North American representative to the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict. Before joining Alliance for Peacebuilding, Dambach was CEO of the National Peace Corps Association, and in 1998 Chic helped form and lead a team of returned Peace Corps Volunteers to work informally with the leaders of Eritrea and Ethiopia to help end their border war.  The team also facilitated joint meetings among the leaders of the combatants in the Congo civil war and participated in the Inter-Congolese Dialogue leading to the formation of a coalition government and the election of the official government.

Click to Listen: Have we given up on peace?

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