Monday, May 25, 2009

Your Call 052509 How do we keep the Iraq war in the news?

On Memorial Day: How do we keep the war in Iraq in the American consciousness? On the next Your Call we will speak with people who can't forget that there's a war happening in Iraq right now: Military families, veterans, Iraqis in Iraq and in exile, aid workers involved with refugees. Send us an email at or join us live at 11 am. If we pay more attention, will it improve the outcome in Iraq? It's Your Call with Sandip Roy and you.

Kristele Younes in DC
Senior Advocate for Refugees at Refugees International

Karen Meredith in DC
Mother of 1Lt. Ken Ballard, Killed in Action in Iraq on May 30, 2004

Abderahman al Tikriti in Alexandria, VA
Iraqi refugee relocated by Refugees International

Stephanie Bowen in Los Angeles
Program Director for International Medical Corps

Click to Listen: How do we keep the Iraq war in the news?

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