Thursday, April 30, 2009

Your Call 043009 How healthy are the Monterey and San Francisco bays?

How healthy are the Monterey and San Francisco bays? On the next Your Call we will speak with the superintendent of the Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary and the San Francisco Baykeepers about maintaining the bays for future generations. What are the greatest successes of our conservation efforts? How are potential threats from economic activity being mitigated? Send us an email at or join us live at 11 a.m. What needs to be done to leave our children an ecosystem and an economic asset that is sustainable and healthy? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Paul Michel in Monterey
Superintendent of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, the federally-protected marine area that stretches 276 miles from Marin to Cambria. The sanctuary encompasses 5,322 square miles of ocean, extending an average distance of 30 miles from shore.

Sejal Choksi in San Francisco
Director of Programs for San Francisco Baykeeper. Ms. Choksi, an attorney, spearheaded Baykeeper's anti-pesticide campaign to secure the nation's first regulations of agricultural pollution. She is a member of East Bay Municipal Utility District's Blue Ribbon Panel, addressing sewage problems, and served on California's Oil Spill Prevention & Response Advisory Committee. Baykeeper is celebrating their 20th anniversary as the public's watchdog for the health of the San Francisco Bay.

Click to Listen: How healthy are the Monterey and San Francisco bays?

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