Friday, April 24, 2009

Your Call 042409 Media Roundtable

On the next Your Call it's our Friday media roundtable where we hold American media accountable for getting us the news we need. This week South Africans went to the polls, the Justice Department released its memos authorizing torture and President Obama gave a speech at the CIA. We'll be joined by independent reporter Dahr Jamail and, from South Africa, Charlayne Hunter-Gault. Send us an email at or join us live at 11 am. Where did you see the best reporting this week? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Dahr Jamail in Texas
Independent reporter who writes about the Middle East for Inter Press Service, Le Monde Diplomatique, and many other outlets

Tom Ricks in Washington DC
Former Defense reporter for the Washington Post, now a writer at Foreign Policy magazine, where he writes the Best Defense blog. He's authored two best-selling books about the war in Iraq, Fiasco and The Gamble.

Charlayne Hunter-Gault
Former correspondent for the McNeil-Lehrer Report, she now files stories for NPR from South Africa, and authored New News Out Of Africa: Uncovering Africa's Renaissance.

Click to Listen: Media Roundtable

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