Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Your Call 042109 How is California funded, and how should it be?

How is California funded, and how should it be? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation about California's upcoming special election. On May 19, Californians will vote on six ballot propositions intended to close the 42 billion dollar budget gap. What's in these propositions? You can join the conversation by email at feedback@yourcallradio.org. How can we have a more fair and stable way of paying the state's bills - and what can we learn from other states? It's Your Call, with Sandip Roy and you.

Steve Maviglio, the principal of Forza Communications, a Sacramento-based public affairs/campaign firm. He writes for California Majority Report.

Brian Leubitz with Calitics, California Politics Blog

Michael Cohen, deputy legislative analyst with California Legislative Analyst's Office

Click to Listen: How is California funded, and how should it be?

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