Friday, April 10, 2009

Your Call 041009 Media Roundtable

On the next Your Call it's our Friday Media Roundtable. This week the head of the Associated Press threatened to start charging Google, Yahoo and the Huffington Post for using AP stories. President Obama went to Turkey and Iraq, Iowa and Vermont legalized gay marriage, the 2009 baseball season began and the 2008 college basketball season drew to a close. We'll be joined by Robert Parry of Consortium News, Rekha Basu of the Des Moines Register, foreign policy analyst Gareth Porter and Dave Zirin, the first sports reporter for The Nation magazine. Where did you see the best reporting this week and where did it fall short? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Rekha Basu in Des Moines
Columnist for the Des Moines Register

Dave Zirin in New York
First sports correspondent for The Nation Magazine and author of The People's History of Sports.

Robert Parry in Washington, DC
Founder and editor of Consortium News

Gareth Porter
Investigative journalist for nearly 40 years. He is author of Perils of Dominance.

Click to Listen: Media Roundtable

1 comment:

  1. on the DODef budget and plans in afghanistan: I can definitely recommend Ahmed Rashid's books on the region; at the very least they provide background understanding that Americans sorely need.

