Thursday, February 5, 2009

Your Call 020509 Is Reaganism Dead?

How does the shadow of Reaganism live on in the political choices of President Obama? On the next Your Call we mark what would have been the 98th birthday of one of Barack Obama's heroes . . . Ronald Reagan. Richard Lister of the BBC spoke for many when he wrote, "The Reagan era is finally, comprehensively, over." Does President Obama truly herald the start of something as new and different as Reagan did? What part of Reaganism is no more and which parts of President Obama's agenda would have suited Ronnie just fine? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.


Robert Smith in San Francisco
Professor of political science at San Francisco State University. Next week he will be presenting a paper called "In the Shadows of Ronald Reagan: Civil Rights Policy Making in the Clinton Administration"

Will Bunch in Philadelphia
Writes the Attytood column for the Philadelphia Daily News and author of the forthcoming book Tear Down This Myth: How the Reagan Legacy Has Distorted Our Politics and Haunts Our Future

William Kleinknecht in Glen Rock, New Jersey
Veteran reporter and crime correspondent for the Newark Star-Ledger. He is the author of The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America

Click to Listen: Is Reaganism Dead?

Hear author William Kleinknecht speak at these Bay Area events:
Feb. 12th, 7:30pm
Books, Inc.
301 Castro St.
Mountain View, CA 94041

Feb. 13th, 7:00pm
Revolution Books
2425 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA 94704

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