Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Your Call 012809 What needs to be done for veterans coming home?

What needs to be done for the veterans coming home? On the next Your Call we discuss the toll of the Bush wars that continue now that his presidency is over. Stories of the neglect of veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center made headlines three years ago, but underfunding of the VA is too commonplace to warrant front pages. We'll talk with Aaron Glantz, author of The War Comes Home: Washington's Battle against America's Veterans and with researchers at the S.F. VA hospital about the impact of traumatic brain injury and PTSD. What is left to be done for the veterans of a war that should never have happened? It's your call with Sandip Roy and you.


Aaron Glantz in San Francisco
Independent unembedded reporter and author of The War Comes Home: Washington's Battle against America's Veterans.

Dr Anthony Chen in San Francisco
Assistant professor of Neurology at UCSF and associate director of the Center for Brain Injury Research and Treatment at the VA Medical Center in San Francisco and Martinez.

Click to Listen: What needs to be done for veterans coming home?

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