Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Your Call 011409 On the Record: Hilda Solis

How will the Labor Department change if California Representative Hilda Solis is confirmed to run it? On the next Your Call, we're starting a new On the Record series by looking at the people President-elect Barack Obama has nominated to run the federal agencies that most directly affect our lives, including Health and Human Services, the Environmental Protection Agency, and Housing and Urban Development. We'll kick off the series by focusing on the Department of Labor. Representative Solis is the child of two union members. Will she transform workplace policy to put workers first? It's Your Call with Sandip Roy and you.

Kellie Lunney in Washington DC
Reporter for the People section of National Journal and Congress Daily. Previously she was the managing editor of Government Executive, also a publication of the National Journal.

Dan Morain in Sacramento
Sacramento Reporter for the Los Angeles Times

Click to Listen: On the Record: Hilda Solis

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