Sunday, January 11, 2009

Your Call 011209 What have we learned from the BART police shooting of Oscar Grant?

What have we learned from the fatal shooting of 22-year-old Oscar Grant, who was unarmed and lying face down on a BART station platform in Oakland on New Year's Day? And what should we do about it? On the next Your Call, we'll talk about the shooting, the cell phone video that proves Grant was shot while lying down, police accountability, and frustration and anger in Oakland's communities plagued by violence. How should the community respond? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Guests: Gregory D. Lee, a retired Supervisory Special Agent for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and a former instructor at the FBI Academy.

Bobbie Bond, founder of the Feet on the Street program in Oakland. Bobbie also serves on the board of her local NCPC - Neighborhood Crime Prevention Council - and was formerly a Commissioner on Aging in Oakland.

Click to Listen: What have we learned from the BART police shooting of Oscar Grant?


  1. I really must say something about the shooting. Yes, Bart is at fault. But I do believe that it was a very stupid accident and not a premeditated murder as is being implied. A witness stated that the part not seen on the phone video is him immediately holstering his weapon and grabbing his head is awe at what had happened. This is bad and he should be held accountable. But it is a matter of training and response on Bart's behalf. I do not believe this is a premeditated murderer - and I think, despite the terrible situation, he may need to hear someone say that.

  2. After working as a temp for the BART Police in 1989, I know that oversight is long overdue. But please do not target people just because they are wearing the uniform.
    There were some scary characters. I was later shocked to hear about a BART shooting of a black teenager that involved Freddie Crabtree, who seemed like one of the nicest people I had ever met.
    But there was also an encouraging surprise: As diverse an array of opinions and attitudes as you might find on any Bay Area street. Given other professional experiences that involved working with police, I would suggest imagining everyone you have ever known, from worst to best. There is someone like that on a police force somewhere in this country.
    I think we need transit police, because I'm an ex-New Yorker who remembers a time when the subway system was so overrun by crime that people were afraid to ride it. That doesn't seem like freedom to me.
    But I also know I am not immune to an incident like this just because I have blond hair and blue eyes. I had a scary experience in Humboldt County a few years ago. I thought of myself as a boring housewife driving her 9 year old daughter to family camp. But one young, immature officer didn't see me that way, nor did several others who surrounded a 5 foot three middle aged woman and a child. You never know when you will encounter someone who doesn't see you the way you see yourself.

  3. I was appalled as I listened to today's show. The shooting of Oscar Grant is a tragic accident, and the officer that killed him will certainly go to jail, probably for a long time.

    This incident is now being exploited by anyone who likes to hear their voice broadcast over a bullhorn, radio, or podcast to air grievances that have nothing to do with the loss of this child.

    Shame on those of you who use his death for personal gain. The host presented a completely biased show, and made me ashamed to have contributed to KALW. This show has always been weak, and this was the worst.

  4. Wow, the one guest just ran away with this show! I agree with the previous commenter - this show was very biased and very slim on facts. 2 suggestions: better screening of guests seems to be a necessity, and, the host really needs to wrestle control of the conversation when it gets so way off track
