Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Your Call 111808 Suburban Blight

Will the mortgage crisis finally make us rethink suburbia? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation with author, social critic, and blogger James Howard Kunstler. He is out with a new book entitled World Made By Hand. The ongoing financial crisis and foreclosures have forced many people to give up their homes in the suburbs. How will the economic meltdown change our lifestyle? And what will the future hold for the suburbs? It's Your Call with guest host Ben Temchine, and you.

Guest: James Howard Kunstler, social critic, blogger, and author of World Made By Hand

Click to Listen: Suburban Blight

1 comment:

  1. If you enjoy hearing what James Howard Kunstler has to say, please check out his weekly podcast at http://kunstlercast.com
