Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Your Call 110508 Now What?

Now what? The votes are cast and the spin has begun about what it all means. What kind of change do you expect for your vote? How can the hopeful energy the Obama campaign has generated continue into the reality of governing? How do the people who've given the energy to the Obama campaign many of whom are well to his left politically stay engaged without becoming disillusioned? After 8 years in the opposition, can the left build an effective movement that supports progressive change? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Guests: Karen K. Narasaki in DC
Executive Director of Asian American Justice Center

Chris Kromm in North Carolina
Executive director of the Institute for Southern Studies

Sujatha Jahagirdar in Washington DC, normally in LA
Program director for the New Voters Project of the Student Public Interest Research Group.

Maya Rockeymoore in DC
President and CEO, Global Policy Solutions and author of The Political Action Handbook: A How to Guide for the Hip-Hop Generation

Vida Benevides in DC
Executive Director of Asian Pacific Island American Vote

Click to Listen: Now What?

1 comment:

  1. Seems to me that addressing "the economy" will have a rightening effect on many of the separate issues we are personally committed to, within the mess President Obama & America’s citizens have been handed.

    In response to the X/Y generation caller’s request for action oriented, online means for participation in our government. I recommended (on air) Obama's website for "directly" communicating with him, jobs, etc:

    BUT, was unable to mention the other one. One I have been looking for, that has a strong coalition of well-known, long-established Progressive voices in America. That will undoubtedly attract a huge response; therefore carry a strong message to the administration, of issues that we are committed to having addressed by them. One thing we learned from the GOP is that a unified, strong voice is necessary. Only now, it will come from the people!

    I implore youth to understand that voting alone doesn’t make a democracy. In order to have integrity, a democracy requires citizen participation (even when it's tedious and boring) otherwise; we end up with... what we have.

    Check out the signatories!! A POWERHOUSE.
    Noam Chomsky
    Howard Zinn
    Marilyn Clement
    Naomi Klein
    Medea Benjamin
    Arun Gupta
    Frances Fox Piven
    Brooke Lehman
    Stanley Aronowitz,....
