Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Your Call 102308 New Voters, New Politics

How will new voters from immigrant and ethnic communities change the Democrats? On the next Your Call we'll discuss the deeper impacts of these new voters on American politics. A record 130 million voters are expected to cast ballots this year, up from nearly 126 million in 2004, and many of those new voters are not part of the white majority. What are the issues and values that are attracting Asian-American and Latino voters to the Democrats? How will the politics of social issues like same-sex marriage and parental notification about abortion shift? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Guests: Roberto Lovato in New York
Contributing Associate Editor with New America Media and a frequent contributor to The Nation and the Huffington Post. Roberto was the Executive Director of the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN), then the country's largest immigrant rights organization.

Vida Benevides in Washington DC
Executive Director of Asian Pacific Islander American Vote, a national nonpartisan, nonprofit that promotes civic participation of APIA community in national, state and local politics.

Josh Norek in New York
Deputy Director of Voto Latino, is voter registration and get out the vote organization, founded by in 2004 by the actress Rosario Dawson.

Karen K. Narasaki in San Francisco
President and Executive Director of the Asian American Justice Center, a national organization defending and advancing the civil and human rights of Asian Americans.

Click to Listen: New Voters, New Politics

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