Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Your Call 091808 Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz

How much is the war in Iraq really costing us? What will be long term consequences of rock bottom lows in the economy? Inflation and unemployment are on the rise while the housing and stock markets are crashing. On Your Call we will speak with Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz, about the economy and his latest book The Three Trillion Dollar War. Since 2004, the costs of the war in Iraq have increased by 130 percent. What has made the price tag on the war skyrocket, and how is it affecting our economy day to day? Join us, it's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Guest: Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize winning economist and co-author of The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict

Click to Listen: Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz

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