Monday, July 14, 2008

Your Call 071508 Afghanistan Update

Why was June the most violent month in Afghanistan? On the next Your Call, we'll speak with three women about the forgotten war. Last week, a car bomb killed 41 Afghans and on Sunday, nine U.S. troops were killed and 15 were wounded. From Kabul, we'll speak with the New York Times' Carlotta Gall and independent reporter Roya Aziz. We'll also be joined by Malalai Joya, the first woman elected to the Afghan parliament. She was suspended for calling politicians warlords. She's currently on a Bay Area speaking tour. Where is America's other war headed? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar.

Malalai Joya in San Francisco
The youngest person and one of 68 women elected to the 249- seat National Assembly or Wolesi Jirga in 2005. In 2007, Joya was suspended from her seat because of controversial remarks she made about warlords in parliament.

Roya Aziz in Kabul
Reporter, documentary film maker and editor of the English language section of the Kabul Weekly. Roya was born in Kabul, raised in the U.S., and returned to Afghanistan 4 years ago.

Carlotta Gall in Afghanistan
New York Times correspondent in Afghanistan. Gall broke the story of an Afghan taxi driver named Dilawar who was beaten to death in 2002 while in U.S. military custody. Gall's reporting revealed the official military explanation of death from natural causes to have been a lie.

Click to Listen: Afghanistan Update

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