Thursday, June 26, 2008

Your Call 062608 The State of Black San Francisco

What happened to San Francisco's black population? On the next Your Call we talk with the organizers of a conference on the "State of Black San Francisco." Africans Americans were 13.5% of the population in 1970 but only half that now -- the biggest percentage decline in any major American city. With the passage of Proposition G, the last truly black neighborhood in the city, Bayview-Hunters Point, is about to undergo a multi-year, multi billion dollar make over. How many African Americans will call San Francisco home when it's done? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Julian Davis in San Francisco
Founder of the Osiris Coalition, organizer of this weekend's community forum on the State of Black San Francisco, Saturday, June 28th from 9 AM to 12 noon at the West Bay Conference Center at 1290 Fillmore Street in San Francisco

Sean Reynolds in San Francisco
Social worker and health educator and co-founder of the Medea Project: Theater for Incarcerated Women, with Rhodessa Jones and Idirs Ackamore.

Malo Hutson in Ann Arbor, Michigan
Assistant Professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning at UC Berkeley.

Dr Raye Richardson in San Francisco
Founder of Marcus Books, former chair of African American Studies at SF State

Click to Listen: The State of Black San Francisco

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