Monday, March 24, 2008

Your Call 032508 Unmarketable

What does integrity mean when everything is for sale? On the next Your Call we welcome Anne Elizabeth Moore, author of Unmarketable: Brandalism, Copyfighting, Mocketing, and the Erosion of Integrity. Moore writes that even advertisers know the Internet generation is impervious to traditional ad campaigns. So now they're out to infiltrate your friendships, invade your passions and own your love. And it's working. If all the world's an advertisement and we are merely players, how do you find space to track your own loves and interests? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Anne Elizabeth Moore in Chicago
Author of Unmarketable: Brandalism, Copyfighting, Mocketing, and the Erosion of Integrity. She is the co-editor of Punk Planet, The Best American Comics series editor and the author of Hey Kidz! Buy This Book: A Radical Primer on Corporate and Governmental Propaganda and Artistic Activism for Short People.

Click to Listen: Unmarketable

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