Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Your Call 022708 Puppy Love -- Is The Bay Area's Love For Our Pets A Sign Of A Just Society Or A Decadent One?

Is the Bay Area's love for their pets a sign that we're moving towards a better society? Where are the limits of our love affair with our furred, feathered and scaled friends. Is $3,000 for Fido's chemotherapy defensible when so many people could be saved with that same money spent on anti-malarial pills or mosquito nets? When we take on the responsibility for the life of a living being, where should we draw the line on what we owe them and how do we know if we've gone too far? It's Your Call with Sandip Roy and you.

Chris Bobonich in Stanford
Associate Professor of Philosophy at Stanford University where he teaches courses on ethics. Prof. Bobonich is also proud owner/guardian of two dogs.

Claudia Kawczynska in San Francisco
Editor of the Berkeley based The Bark magazine, which touts itself as the voice of modern dog culture. She joins us in our San Francisco studio.

Click to Listen: Puppy Love -- Is The Bay Area's Love For Our Pets A Sign Of A Just Society Or A Decadent One?

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