Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Your Call 022008 Post-Castro

Now that Castro is no longer leader, can Cuba stop being a symbol and start being a country? On the next Your Call we look at what is possible today that wasn't before Castro's announcement he would neither seek nor accept the Cuban presidency. What is life like at the dawn of the post-Castro era? Who will run the country? Will they continue Castro's efforts to give dignity to the poor without the intolerance of dissent? What opportunities do the left, the U.S. government and the Cubans have that they didn't on Monday? It's Your Call with Sandip Roy and you.

Saul Landau in Alameda
Fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies and professor emeritus of Interdisciplinary and Applied Studies at Cal Poly Pomona

Delvis Fernández-Levy in San Luis Obispo
President and founder of the Cuba American Alliance Education Fund

Click to Listen: Post-Castro

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