Sunday, February 10, 2008

Your Call 021108 Evangelicalism after the Christian Right

What's in store for the political future of the Christian Right? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation about the history behind the growing influence of the Christian Right with Sarah Posner, author of God's Profits, and AM talk show host Eric Hogue. In 2004, 78 percent of all evangelicals voted for President Bush, making them the largest single voting bloc in the Republican Party. How did they become so powerful? How have they retained their influence? And with the Republican Party in disarray, what are their future strategies? It's Your Call, with me, Rose Aguilar, and you.

Sarah Posner, author of God's Profits: Faith, Fraud and the GOP Crusade for Values Voters.

Eric Hogue, radio talk show host of KFIA 710 AM.

Click to Listen: Evangelicalism after the Christian Right

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