Monday, December 24, 2007

Your Call 122407-010108 Year in Review


The Year in the Arctic

What happened this year in the arctic? On the next Your Call we begin our end of year reviews with a discussion of the last twelve months at the top of the globe. 2007 was the International Polar Year, an attempt to bring attention to the fate of the 9 and a half million square miles that is most vulnerable to global climate change. Whether it was Russian submarines planting a titanium flag under the North Pole or scientists discovering that 1/3 of the ice that was there in 1970 is now gone, there was big news from the far north. The Year in the Arctic on the next Your Call with me, Rose Aguilar and you.

John Farrell, Executive Director of the US Arctic Research Commission

Dr. Neil T. M. Hamilton, Director of the World Wildlife Fund’s International Arctic Program


NO SHOW; pre-empted for a Christmas Day special entitled, "Green Rush" American Radioworks


The Year in Poetry

At a time when Americans of all ages are spending more time sitting idly in front of the computer and spending less time reading, how significant is poetry? On the next Your Call, we’ll speak with California's poet laureate Al Young, former San Francisco poet laureate Devorah Major, and Iraqi poet Sinan Antoon. What role does poetry play in the dark times? What stands out this year and what are these poets looking forward to next year? Join us on a special edition of Your Call with Rose Aguilar, and you.


Whatever Happened To The Iraq War Whistleblowers?

Paul Wolfowitz was just brought back to the pentagon; what ever happened to the people who were right about the war in Iraq? On the next Your Call we bring in three whistleblowers who brought the folly of the coming war in Iraq to the attention of the American people. Whatever happened to John Brady Kiesling. Who resigned from in protest from the State Department, or Karen Kwiatkowski, the Air Force Lieutenant Colonel who blew the whistle on White House intelligence manipulations. Paul Wolfowitz has landed on his feet, have they? It’s Your Call with me Rose Aguilar and you.

John Brady Kiesling, resigned in protest from the State Department

Ann Wright, resigned in protest from the State Department

Lt Col. Karen Kwiatkowski (ret.), Pentagon whistleblower


Lewis Lapham

How can we integrate stories from the past into reporting and popular culture? On the next Your Call we welcome Lewis Lapham, former editor of Harper's magazine and now the founder and editor of the Lapham Quarterly. In his essays and reporting, Lapham has long included examples from the past to illuminate the day's events. So who's history should we be looking to for lessons? What historical example do you think we should be paying attention to now? It's Your Call with me, Rose Aguilar, and you?

Lewis Lapham, founder and editor of Lapham’s Quarterly


What Makes A Good Protest Song?

What makes a good protest song? On the next Your Call we’re joined by Jeff Chang, Hip Hop Historian and Dave Marsh, longtime rock critic and the founder of Creem Magazine in Detroit. Chang has just returned from a trip to Indonesia where he collected raps in Bahasa. Marsh is now editor of Rock and Roll Confidential. Four years into the war in Iraq, where is the music giving voice and song to the outrage? It’s Your Call with Sandip Roy and you.

Jeff Chang, author of Can’t Stop Won’t Stop

Dave Marsh, editor of Rock and Rap Confidential and the new book, “The Beatles' Second Album”

Looking Forward to Year of Possibility

What are you looking forward to in 2008? On the next Your Call we want to hear from you. What has you excited for 2008? Are you or one of your kids getting married? Is a project you’ve been working on coming to fruition? Is your neighborhood turning around or are you starting a new job? With a new year at your fingertips, what is possible for all of us to create? It’s Your Call with me Rose Aguilar and you.

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