Monday, December 3, 2007

Your Call 120407 What happened to universal health care in California?

Whatever happened to universal health care in California? On the next Your Call we discuss the reform legislation long stalled in Sacramento. At the beginning of the year Speaker Fabian Nuñez and Governor Schwarzenegger were touting competing plans that would have insured every Californian. Insurance companies, consumer groups, even business groups were supporting a solution to the state's rising health care crisis. Why did reform stall and who is fighting to get it moving again? It's Your Call with guest host Ben Temchine and you.

Anthony Wright, Executive Director for Health Access California

Donna Gerber, the Director of Government Relations for the California Nurses Association

Anmol S. Mahal, MD, the past president of California Medical Association

Click to Listen: Whatever happened to universal health care in California?

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