Monday, October 15, 2007

Your Call 101507 When is it appropriate to use Tasers?

Is the use of Tasers by police appropriate? On the next Your Call, we'll discuss why certain Bay Area cities are arming their police with Tasers, while others are considering banning them. Tasers are currently being used by 11,000 police departments nationwide. Recent incidents involving the use of the electroshock weapon have sparked a heated debate. Are Tasers our safest policing alternative? When is it appropriate to use them? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.
Raj Jayadev, editor of Silicon Valley De-Bug and writer for New America Media.
Sergeant Natasha Powers of the Palo Alto Police Department, which recently approved the use of Tasers by their officers.

Click to Listen: When is it appropriate to use Tasers?

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