Monday, September 17, 2007

Your Call 091807 Supercapitalism

Would you trade affordable gadgets for higher wages in China? Would you pay more for cheap goods if we had nationalized health care? On the next Your Call, we talk with former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich about his new book, Supercapitalism. He argues that most people would answer "no" to those questions. Over the past twenty years, Reich says, corporate control has plummeted in the face of consumer and investor power, but citizens have fared the worst. Why are Americans so schizophrenically divided between their consumer and citizen selves? How do we get the social good back in the heart of the political process in the Supercapitalist 21st century? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar and you.

Robert B. Reich, author of Supercapitalism.

Click to Listen: Supercapitalism

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