How can unions shape the U.S. economy? On the next Your Call, we'll continue our series Agenda for a New Economy by looking at the state of labor unions today. Andy Stern, the controversial head of the Service Employees International Union who challenged the leadership of the AFL-CIO, is stepping down. Did Stern's emphasis on national political clout and aggressive grassroots organizing make a difference?
Join us live at 11 or send us an email at Do you think re-organizing labor could create a better economy? It's Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
Bill Fletcher--labor organizer and author of Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and A New Path Toward Social Justice
John Logan--researcher for UC Berkeley Labor Center and Director of Labor Studies at SF State University
Dave Regan--an executive vice president at SEIU and SEIU-UHW trustee
Click to Listen: How can Unions Shape the U.S. Economy?