What does our food media say about who we are? Is it about great recipes, or something more? Iron Chef, Rachel Ray, The Minimalist, Hells Kitchen, Martha Stewart and Julie and Julia, the Food Network--what do they all mean about our relationship to food, and who we are? Can learning about food take us somewhere beyond the kitchen? If you subscribe to a cooking magazine or watch food shows on TV, what are you looking for? Join us live at 11 a.m. or send us an email at feedback@yourcallradio.org. What does our food media say about us? It's Your Call with Rose Aguilar, and you.
Jane Goldman, editor in chief of Chow.com
Lisa Jervis, founder of Bitch Magazine and author of Cook Food: A Manualfesto for Easy, Local, Healthy Eating
Click to Listen: What does our food media say about who we are?