Will the credit card companies be the next to fall? On the next Your Call, we find out what happens now that card issuers have raised interest rates, added new fees, lowered credit limits and even shut down accounts. Americans recycle $882 billion dollars in debt, month after month; as unemployment sails past 5 million, how long before defaults skyrocket? You can send us an email at feedback@yourcallradio.org or join live at 11 am. What happens when the downturn turns on plastic? It's Your Call with Sandip Roy and you.
Jose Garcia in New York
Senior research and policy associate at Demos with over ten years of experience working on civil rights, census advocacy, and socio-demographic analysis. Co-author of Up to Our Eyeballs: The Hidden Truths and Consequences of Debt in Today's America.
David Lazarus in LA
Business & consumer columnist for the Los Angeles Times. He joined the paper in August 2007. He previously worked as a columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle and a nightly radio talk show host for San Francisco's KGO Radio.
Click to Listen: Will credit card companies fall next?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Your Call 022409 How will California's state budget affect your community?
How will California's state budget affect your community? On the next Your Call, we'll have a conversation about California's $130 billion spending package. It's a combination of steep spending cuts, tax hikes and borrowing. Who are the winners and losers? Funding for the social safety net will shrink college fees will rise. You can join the conversation by phone or by sending us an email at feedback@yourcallradio.org. What does the budget say about state politics and our future? It's Your Call with me, Rose Aguilar, and you.
Jean Ross, director of the California Budget Project
Lenny Goldberg, executive director of the California Tax Reform Association
Click to Listen: How will California's state budget affect your community?
Jean Ross, director of the California Budget Project
Lenny Goldberg, executive director of the California Tax Reform Association
Click to Listen: How will California's state budget affect your community?