What is next for the Light Brown Apple Moth? Plans to aerial spray the urban areas of Northern California have been canceled, but what does that mean for the state's strategy to eradicate the pest - and whose communities are still on the list to be sprayed? On the next Your Call we'll take a look at the campaign to stop the spray. How did local governments, environmental activists, and concerned scientists put a stop to the aerial application of pesticides on our cities? Does this victory mark the end of the struggle, or is it just the end of the beginning? It's Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
Nan Wishner in San Francisco, CA
Chair of the City of Albany Integrated Pest Management Task Force
David Dilworth in Monterey, CA
Founder of HOPE (Help Our Peninsula Environment)
James R. Carey in Davis, CA
Professor and Program Director of Biodemographic Determinants of Life Span, University of California, Davis
Click to Listen: The Light Brown Apple Moth's Future